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夏晓勤 男 博导 水生生物研究所 电子邮件:x q x i a @ i h b . a c . c n 通信地址:武汉市武昌区东湖南路7号水生生物研究所 邮政编码:430072
1992-09--1997-07 中国科学院水生生物研究所 理学博士 1988-09--1992-07 武汉大学生物学系 理学学士
2011 –
中国科学院水生生物研究所 研究员(“****”)
2010 –2011
加州大学欧文分校病理学与检验医学系 Assistant Project Scientist step II
2009 –2011
美国加州圣迭戈疫苗研究所 Director of Bioinformatics Group and Genomics Core
2004 – 2009
美国加州 Sidney Kimmel 癌症研究中心 Director of Lechner-Haag Genomics Core
2000 – 2003
剑桥大学通信系统研究中心,剑桥大学遗传学系 Bioinformatics Research Associate
1997 – 2000
南京农业大学动物医学院农业部重点实验室 博士后,副教授
[1] 石米娟, 张婉婷, 程莹寅, 夏晓勤. 基于全基因组分析技术的鱼类育种技术原理与应用. 中国农业科技导报. 2022, 33-41, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFD&dbname=CJFDAUTO&filename=NKDB202202004&v=MDYzNjlOUE1yWTlGWUlSOGVYMUx1eFlTN0RoMVQzcVRyV00xRnJDVVI3aWZaT2R2RkNua1U3N0JLeWJQYkxHNEg=.[2] Shi, Mijuan, Luo, Hongrui, Zhang, Wanting, Jiang, Yinjun, Chen, Ji, Cheng, Yingyin, Hu, Wei, Xia, XiaoQin. A genome-wide linkage map and QTL mapping for growth traits of Asian rice-field eel ( Monopterus albus ). AQUACULTURE[J]. 2021, 536: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.736394.[3] Ye, Weidong, Duan, You, Zhang, Wanting, Cheng, Yingyin, Shi, Mijuan, Xia, XiaoQin. Comprehensive analysis of hub mRNA, lncRNA and miRNA, and associated ceRNA networks implicated in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) growth traits. GENOMICS[J]. 2021, 113(6):&nbsp4004-4014, [4] Duan, You, Zhang, Wanting, Cheng, Yingyin, Shi, Mijuan, Xia, XiaoQin. A systematic evaluation of bioinformatics tools for identification of long noncoding RNAs. RNA[J]. 2021, 27(1):&nbsp80-98, http://dx.doi.org/10.1261/rna.074724.120.[5] Jia, Zhiying, Wu, Nan, Jiang, Xiaona, Li, Heng, Sun, Jiaxin, Shi, Mijuan, Li, Chitao, Ge, Yanlong, Hu, Xuesong, Ye, Weidong, Tang, Ying, Shan, Junwei, Cheng, Yingyin, Xia, XiaoQin, Shi, Lianyu. Integrative Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals the Immune Mechanism for a CyHV-3-Resistant Common Carp Strain. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY[J]. 2021, 12: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2021.687151.[6] Huang, Xiaoli, Jiang, Yanxin, Zhang, Wanting, Cheng, Yingyin, Wang, Yaping, Ma, Xiaocui, Duan, You, Xia, Lei, Chen, Yaxin, Wu, Nan, Shi, Mijuan, Xia, XiaoQin. Construction of a high-density genetic map and mapping of growth related QTLs in the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). BMC GENOMICS[J]. 2020, 21(1):&nbsphttp://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12864-020-6730-x.[7] Clifton, Bryan D, Jimenez, Jamie, Kimura, Ashlyn, Chahine, Zeinab, Librado, Pablo, SanchezGracia, Alejandro, Abbassi, Mashya, Carranza, Francisco, Chan, Carolus, Marchetti, Marcella, Zhang, Wanting, Shi, Mijuan, Vu, Christine, Yeh, Shudan, Fanti, Laura, Xia, XiaoQin, Rozas, Julio, Ranz, Jose M. Understanding the Early Evolutionary Stages of a Tandem Drosophila melanogaster-Specific Gene Family: A Structural and Functional Population Study. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION[J]. 2020, 37(9):&nbsp2584-2600, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000574386500010.[8] Ma, Xiaocui, Zhang, Baolong, Miao, Rongli, Deng, Xuan, Duan, You, Cheng, Yingyin, Zhang, Wanting, Shi, Mijuan, Huang, Kaiyao, Xia, XiaoQin. Transcriptomic and Physiological Responses to Oxidative Stress in a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Glutathione Peroxidase Mutant. GENES[J]. 2020, 11(4):&nbsphttp://apps.webofknowledge.com/CitedFullRecord.do?product=UA&colName=WOS&SID=5CCFccWmJJRAuMzNPjj&search_mode=CitedFullRecord&isickref=WOS:000537224600073.[9] Shi, Mijuan, Zhang, Qiangxiang, Li, Yongming, Zhang, Wanting, Liao, Lanjie, Cheng, Yingyin, Jiang, Yanxin, Huang, Xiaoli, Duan, You, Xia, Lei, Ye, Weidong, Wang, Yaping, Xia, XiaoQin. Global gene expression profile under low-temperature conditions in the brain of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). PLOS ONE[J]. 2020, 15(9):&nbsphttps://doaj.org/article/0b05349e78c54eefa64eb5bafc25a785.[10] 夏晓勤. Understanding the early evolutionary stages of a tandem D. melanogaster-specific gene family: a structural and functional population study. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2020, [11] Ma, Xiaocui, Wei, Haiyan, Zhang, Yaodong, Duan, You, Zhang, Wanting, Cheng, Yingyin, Xia, XiaoQin, Shi, Mijuan. Glutathione peroxidase 5 deficiency induces lipid metabolism regulated by reactive oxygen species in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS[J]. 2020, 147: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104358.[12] 夏雷, 石米娟, 张婉婷, 段攸, 程莹寅, 吴南, 夏晓勤. 基于微单体型分子标记的草鱼亲子鉴定方法. 水生生物学报[J]. 2020, 44(3):&nbsp509-517, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7101886996.[13] Wu, Nan, Xu, Xuan, Wang, Biao, Li, XianMei, Cheng, YingYin, Li, Ming, Xia, XiaoQin, Zhang, YongAn. Anti-foodborne enteritis effect of galantamine potentially via acetylcholine anti-inflammatory pathway in fish. FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY[J]. 2020, 97: 204-215, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fsi.2019.12.028.[14] Lu, XiaoBing, Chen, YaXin, Cui, ZhengWei, Zhang, XiangYang, Lu, LongFeng, Li, Shun, Xia, XiaoQin, Nie, Pin, Zhang, YongAn. Characterization of grass carp CD40 and CD154 genes and the association between their polymorphisms and resistance to grass carp reovirus. 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High-throughput whole genome sequencing of Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus from cell culture materials and clinical specimens using next-generation sequencing technology. JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION[J]. 2017, 29(1):&nbsp41-50, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000394346700005.[19] Chen, Yaxin, Shi, Mijuan, Zhang, Wanting, Cheng, Yingyin, Wang, Yaping, Xia, XiaoQin. The Grass Carp Genome Database (GCGD): an online platform for genome features and annotations. DATABASE-THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DATABASES AND CURATION[J]. 2017, 2017(1):&nbsphttps://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000407487700001.[20] Clifton, Bryan D, Librado, Pablo, Yeh, ShuDan, Solares, Edwin S, Real, Daphne A, Jayasekera, Suvini U, Zhang, Wanting, Shi, Mijuan, Park, Ronni V, Magie, Robert D, Ma, HsiuChing, Xia, XiaoQin, Marco, Antonio, Rozas, Julio, Ranz, Jose M. Rapid Functional and Sequence Differentiation of a Tandemly Repeated Species-Specific Multigene Family in Drosophila. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION[J]. 2017, 34(1):&nbsp51-65, http://ir.ihb.ac.cn/handle/342005/28955.[21] Yang, HeeJeong, Bogomolnaya, Lydia M, Elfenbein, Johanna R, EndicottYazdani, Tiana, Reynolds, M Megan, Porwollik, Steffen, Cheng, Pui, Xia, XiaoQin, McClelland, Michael, AndrewsPolymenis, Helene. Novel Two-Step Hierarchical Screening of Mutant Pools Reveals Mutants under Selection in Chicks. INFECTION AND IMMUNITY[J]. 2016, 84(4):&nbsp1226-1238, [22] 夏晓勤, 张婉婷, 程莹寅, 石米娟. 浅析基因组大小的进化机制. 科学通报[J]. 2016, 61(30):&nbsp3188-3195, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1759990.[23] Wu, Nan, Song, YuLong, Wang, Bei, Zhang, XiangYang, Zhang, XuJie, Wang, YaLi, Cheng, YingYin, Chen, DanDan, Xia, XiaoQin, Lu, YiShan, Zhang, YongAn. Fish gut-liver immunity during homeostasis or inflammation revealed by integrative transcriptome and proteome studies. 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DEVELOPMENTAL AND COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY[J]. 2016, 61: 169-179, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dci.2016.04.001.[25] Wang, Yaping, Lu, Ying, Zhang, Yong, Ning, Zemin, Li, Yan, Zhao, Qiang, Lu, Hengyun, Huang, Rong, Xia, Xiaoqin, Feng, Qi, Liang, Xufang, Liu, Kunyan, Zhang, Lei, Lu, Tingting, Huang, Tao, Fan, Danlin, Weng, Qijun, Zhu, Chuanrang, Lu, Yiqi, Li, Wenjun, Wen, Ziruo, Zhou, Congcong, Tian, Qilin, Kang, Xiaojun, Shi, Mijuan, Zhang, Wanting, Jang, Songhun, Du, Fukuan, He, Shan, Liao, Lanjie, Li, Yongming, Gui, Bin, He, Huihui, Ning, Zhen, Yang, Cheng, He, Libo, Luo, Lifei, Yang, Rui, Luo, Qiong, Liu, Xiaochun, Li, Shuisheng, Huang, Wen, Xiao, Ling, Lin, Haoran, Han, Bin, Zhu, Zuoyan. The draft genome of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) provides insights into its evolution and vegetarian adaptation. NATURE GENETICS[J]. 2015, 47(6):&nbsp625-631, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/978707.[26] Jia, Zhenyu, Rahmatpanah, Farah, Chen, Xin, Lernhardt, Waldemar, Wang, Yipeng, Xia, XiaoQin, Sawyers, Anne, McClelland, Michael, Mercola, Dan. A stroma-based 15 gene profile for prostate cancer suggests increased DNA methylation and senescence in the stroma of patients with poor prognosis. CANCER RESEARCHnull. 2015, 75(1):&nbsphttps://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000356630300045.[27] Tang, Qin, Song, Yulong, Shi, Mijuan, Cheng, Yingyin, Zhang, Wanting, Xia, XiaoQin. Inferring the hosts of coronavirus using dual statistical models based on nucleotide composition. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS[J]. 2015, 5: http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1012146.[28] Luo, Daji, Liu, Yun, Chen, Ji, Xia, Xiaoqin, Cao, Mengxi, Cheng, Bin, Wang, Xuejuan, Gong, Wuming, Qiu, Chao, Zhang, Yunsheng, Cheng, Christopher Hon Ki, Zhu, Zuoyan, Hu, Wei. Direct production of XYDMY- sex reversal female medaka (Oryzias latipes) by embryo microinjection of TALENs. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS[J]. 2015, 5: http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/984772.[29] Yeh, ShuDan, von Grotthuss, Marcin, Gandasetiawan, Kania A, Jayasekera, Suvini, Xia, XiaoQin, Chan, Carolus, Jayaswal, Vivek, Ranz, Jose M. Functional Divergence of the miRNA Transcriptome at the Onset of Drosophila Metamorphosis. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION[J]. 2014, 31(10):&nbsp2557-2572, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/929268.[30] Jia, Zhenyu, Lilly, Michael B, Koziol, James A, Chen, Xin, Xia, XiaoQin, Wang, Yipeng, Skarecky, Douglas, Sutton, Manuel, Sawyers, Anne, Ruckle, Herbert, Carpenter, Philip M, WangRodriguez, Jessica, Jiang, Jun, Deng, Mingsen, Pan, Cong, Zhu, Jianguo, McLaren, Christine E, Gurley, Michael J, Lee, Chung, McClelland, Michael, Ahlering, Thomas, Kattan, Michael W, Mercola, Dan. Generation of "Virtual" Control Groups for Single Arm Prostate Cancer Adjuvant Trials. PLOS ONE[J]. 2014, 9(1):&nbsphttp://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/852678.[31] Datta, Sujay, Xia, XiaoQin, Bhattacharjee, Samsiddhi, Jia, Zhenyu. Advances in Statistical Medicine. COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINEnull. 2014, 2014: http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/929277.[32] Jia, Zhenyu, Wang, Yipeng, Hu, Yuanjie, McLaren, Christine, Yu, Yingyan, Ye, Kai, Xia, XiaoQin, Koziol, James A, Lernhardt, Waldemar, McClelland, Michael, Mercola, Dan. A Sample Selection Strategy to Boost the Statistical Power of Signature Detection in Cancer Expression Profile Studies. ANTI-CANCER AGENTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2013, 13(2):&nbsp203-211, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/733515.[33] DiazCastillo, Carlos, Xia, XiaoQin, Ranz, Jose M. Evaluation of the Role of Functional Constraints on the Integrity of an Ultraconserved Region in the Genus Drosophila. 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